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作曲家、⾳乐制作人、歌⼿。代表作品电影《京城81号》配乐;游戏 《天涯明月⼑》配乐;歌曲《画情》《迷雾》《惊蛰》作曲。工作联系:[email protected]交流群:611988793 新浪微博:@陈致逸
- Wandering Flight 倦飞之鸟歌词
- Joy of Returning 归客的轻歌歌词
- Plain of Nostalgia 怀乡的原野歌词
- Distant Resonance 悠远的鸟鸣歌词
- Secluded Sanctuary 幽涧泠泠歌词
- Moss Covered Path 山路青苔歌词
- Bird Call From Afar 云间孤鸿歌词
- Foregone Giants 悠古的脚步歌词
- Swinging in the Breeze 青云流风饰霓裳歌词
- Emerging Clouds 风静云起歌词
- Linger in the Valley 山间回望歌词
- Hazy Light 暧暧含光歌词
- Blossoms Across the Valley 幽谷多芳草歌词
- Solitude Mountains 孑立的群岩歌词
- His Resolution 解决之道歌词
- Welp, Didn't Expect That 呃,这可没想到…歌词
- Overlord of the Thunderstorm 空行不羁歌词
- Streets of Elegance 风雅之里歌词
- Duel in the Mist 斩雾破竹歌词
- Fiery Pursuit 驱敌逐北歌词