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作曲家、⾳乐制作人、歌⼿。代表作品电影《京城81号》配乐;游戏 《天涯明月⼑》配乐;歌曲《画情》《迷雾》《惊蛰》作曲。工作联系:[email protected]交流群:611988793 新浪微博:@陈致逸
- A Storm, A Spire, and A Sanctum (Dvalin's Nest) 风暴,高塔与圣地歌词
- Bustling Afternoon of Mondstadt 蒙德城繁忙的午后歌词
- The City Favored By Wind 风所爱之城歌词
- Charge! Fearless Warriors 冲啊!无畏的勇士歌词
- Rite of Battle 战斗的秘仪歌词
- Acquaintance (Statue of the Seven) 命运的初识歌词
- Statue of the Seven 七天神像歌词
- Happy Journey 快乐的旅程歌词
- Gentle Rain 清昼细雨歌词
- Mondstadt Starlit 星光下的蒙德歌词
- His Resolution 解决之道歌词
- Welp, Didn't Expect That 呃,这可没想到…歌词
- Overlord of the Thunderstorm 空行不羁歌词
- Streets of Elegance 风雅之里歌词
- Duel in the Mist 斩雾破竹歌词
- Fiery Pursuit 驱敌逐北歌词
- Fall of Maples 叶落荒波歌词
- Time to Say Farewell 终有谢时歌词
- Separated Dream 羁留之客歌词
- Lost Expectation 失落的愿景歌词