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Victoria Trinetti

歌手:Victoria Trinetti

My name is Victoria Trinetti. How are you feeling today? Are you feeling happy … enthusiastic … motivated … strong? How about YESTERDAY? Was there a yesterday when you did not feel so strong? I am a senior in high school right now. So, I can absolutely relate to the things you are going through. I am here to tell you about my story, my yesterdays, and those days when I wasn’t as enthusiastic or strong as I am today. I used to feel that I was different than everybody else in a bad way, so I felt uncomfortable. I would be tentative, shy and I would hesitate when talking to others. I would start to question my personality and actions, I would over-think conversations; what did they really mean by that? Were they being rude? Nice? But, was I different? Yes, I was different – and I still am different today. What is different about me, you may ask? When I was growing up, I would walk up to a group of people and try to talk to them, and they would ignore me. But, instead of moving on and walking away, I would stay there. I would think – “why are they ignoring me?, why do they not like me?”. On their side, maybe they thought I was just butting in, or maybe they felt awkward because I did not say anything. On my side, I did not feel confident enough to start a conversation, or add to their conversation. So, instead of me moving away – they then moved away from me. Now …. I did feel like a loser – because it felt like confirmation that they did not like me — as they turned their backs and walked away. Yesterday, by not being strong and powerful – and not taking control of the situation, the problems just became worse. Now, the purpose of this is not to tell you my whole life story. It’s to tell you about people like me, who may look “normal” – but of course there are underlying issues that they’re dealing with. Not to sound cheesy, but you can’t judge a book by its cover. Everyone has their story. It’s up to you to be confident. Confident in where you have come from, confident where you are now, and confident in where you are going. I am different today – mostly because I am proud of those differences. My differences make me ‘who I am’ — and they make you – YOU! My differences have helped me write a song about this – to help us all be stronger – and help us all know that what happens today — will, tomorrow – just be a yesterday. My name is Victoria Trinetti – and I hope that my songs inspire you to be stronger today than you were yesterday. Here’s to your strength, your power and your passions! Victoria!
