首页 > The St. Philips Boyˇ吉他谱 >歌词大全
- 04-White Chirstmas 银色圣诞歌词
- 03-In Dulci Jublio 柔美的欢庆歌词
- 02-Walking In The Air 漫步在空中歌词
- 01-Saviour’s Day 救主之日歌词
- 20-Gaudete 喜乐歌词
- 19-Light The Candles Round The World 点燃举世的烛光歌词
- 18-Jesus Bids us Shine-Jesus wants me for a Sunbea歌词
- 17-Bailero 阿维农之歌歌词
- 16-You Are The New Day 你就是新希望歌词
- 15-All Through The Night 整个夜晚歌词
- 14-I Vow to thee my Country (World in Union)歌词
- 13-Jerusalem 耶路撒冷歌词
- 12-Abide With Me 与我同在歌词
- 11-Praise My Soul (The King Of Heaven) 天国之王歌词
- 10-Close Every Doors To Me 关上每一扇门歌词
- 09-Bright Eyes 明亮的眼睛歌词
- 08- O Holy Night 神圣的夜晚歌词
- 07-Evening Fall 夜幕低垂歌词
- 06-Onward Christin Soldiers 前进吧,基督战士歌词
- 05-Nunc Dimittis-含笑告别歌词