首页 > HOYO-MiX吉他谱 >歌词大全
- What Now Remains 唯余遗恨歌词
- A Sepulchral Gloom 如堕霓雾歌词
- Drops of Time 逝川流光歌词
- Mournful Whisperings 悲切的低语歌词
- Drift Along the Lethe 沉流之航歌词
- Roaming in Silence 良夜岑寂歌词
- Lonely Journey 茕茕行路歌词
- Silent Seclusion 静思之所歌词
- Evanescent Moments 惚恍疑梦歌词
- Swath of Desolation 淡月疏星共寂寥歌词
- Soft Moans of the Remains 荒墟的缅述歌词
- The Glooming Light 晦蒙幽光歌词
- In a Cautious Way 谨言慎行歌词
- Contemplation on Eternity 对永恒的冥想歌词
- Pathway to the Hidden Isles 狭径缒幽歌词
- Misty Truth 雾锁烟迷歌词
- At Dawn and Dusk 昏晓流易歌词
- Savory Treat 俗世佳肴歌词
- Narukami-Bayashi 鸣神囃子歌词
- Hope or Nostalgia 祈望与乡魂歌词